Google Glass Prepares Newest Version Reliable

Google will release Glass with additional frames eyeglass lenses. During this time, Google Glass prototype used like sunglasses, did not have glass lenses for myopic patients.
The Legit News - Tech. Google will release Glass with additional frames eyeglass lenses. During this time, Google Glass prototype used like sunglasses, did not have glass lenses for myopic patients.

Reported Arstechnica, Google reportedly will release four frame glass lenses from an eye doctor recommended to be working with the Glass. Google calls this frame as a 'collection of Titanium'.

Rather than relying on traditional eyewear designers, four frame glass lens is designed by Google. This makes the search engine giant Google Glass shapes and hardware that can be fitted with glass lens frame.

Glass latest hardware is identical to the second revision of Glass, which features the 'ear buds'. Frame glasses lens sells for USD225 or approximately 2.7 million.

That is just the price for the lens frame. While the Glass device is priced at USD1499 or approximately Rp17,9 millions. Thus, the total cost will be approximately USD1724 or Rp20,6 millions.

This new version without removing parts of the beam transparent glass and the camera on the right Glass. Now, Glass could be wider for users. The Company will gradually increase Explorer program and invite more users to buy Glass.

Although informed of smart glasses project has stopped since last month. However, the company revealed was working on the next version of Google Glass 2.0 name.Citing Knowyourmobile, mentioning that the wearable device will be redesigned by the company. The new design will bring a new look, new features and everything was new.

So what kind of specifications and appearance of the Google Glass 2. summarize information about the device in the project both companies.

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