Unique Facts Relating to the Total Solar Eclipse

The Legit News-Others. Total Solar Eclipse Phenomenon (GMT) today became the hottest topic in social media either Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. This event has a special attraction. Here's an interesting fact about the Total Solar Eclipse: Jupiter will be parallel to the Earth, when the Total Solar EclipseGMT which took place today had the same row with the planet Jupiter. KTUU pages, it is reported that the giant planet will be lined up with the Earth and the Sun before GMT appears in the Southeast Asia region. In fact, citizens of Alaska the opportunity meihat strategic position. Jupiter will look bigger because it is located at the closest point to the Earth. The position of Jupiter really had dominated the skies of Earth over the last month. There are Many Ways Viewed Total Solar EclipseVarious ways can be used in order to watch the total solar eclipse today. Interestingly, residents of the city of Manado, North Sulawesi, use a bucket of water to get to see this rare natural phenomenon. 0845, District residents Mapanget, for example, flocking brought a bucket of water out of the house. The atmosphere suddenly darkened signifies GMT peak is near. Total Solar Eclipse process is seen through the reflection in the water because the citizens do not get glasses to view GMT and very dangerous to look directly. Not just a bucket of water, people are also using x-rays to see the phenomenon. Khoirul Anwar, 4G LTE Patent Holders Technology Origin KediriTotal Solar Eclipse, in addition to being a hot topic in the world is also very crowded reported in Indonesia. Community together to upload the photos they take by electronic means. For these activities, various mobile operators compete to provide the best facilities for the 4G LTE customers. Behind the emergence of 4G LTE, there is the role of a scientist Indonesian nationals, Khoirul Anwar. He is a researcher of Kediri develop 4G LTE technology and has received a patent from Japan and America.Citing information from the page of the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Tuesday (03/08/2016), a technology developed Khoirul derived from his doctoral dissertation titled "Peak Power Reduction for multicarrier Systems in Satellite and Radio Communications". The technology was later adopted into a standard-Recommendation International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R) S.1878 and S.2173, the "Multi-carrier Transmission Techniques for Satellite Based Systems".This concept is used as a base of 4G LTE technology. In addition, research is the best ITB graduates struggling in network information theory, coding damage, repeatedly, superpadat networks and conferences in the area of ​​wireless communications.

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