Wifi Cause Brain Cancer. Is it true?

TheLegitBlog- For some time now rumors are circulating that Wi-Fi can be harmful to health, especially the brain. Not only led to the risk of brain cancer, but also brain tumors and other brain disorders. However, the results of research Jack Schofield, Guardian editor computer and reports from the WHO and Cancer Research UK to deny the statement.Results The study found that radio frequency waves emanating from the Wi-Fi (especially in homes, offices and public places) has no effect on the brain and other body parts, although the baby's brain. Therefore, the Wi-Fi does not lead to health problems including brain disorders, either in the form of a tumor, cancer and others.Although the results of the study International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC) states otherwise the wave of Wi-Fi including a group known as 2B or waves that are carcinogens, but must first understand the definition of class 2B. This class has a new meaning these agents can lead to cancer if under certain conditions. That is, the radio waves must have a very high intensity and presentation should also be very intense.The basic statement of the Hardell study that says that there is a link between mobile phone use of heavy users with certain types of brain tumors. The statement that is the negative arguments about Wi-Fi, along with reports of Cancer Research UK. In detail, Cancer research UK, said that the Wi-fi radiation is non-ionic radiation, which means almost all radiation has a very weak force compared to ionizing radiation.Non-ionic radiation types can be found in communications technology, electronics and gadgets, in this case, including microwave, radio, TV and air conditioning remote, home phone, TV and tape recorder. Among them, the Wi-fi radiation is the most weak. Even the Wi-Fi transmission stations (BTS) still includes low-frequency radio waves. Therefore, Wi-Fi included in a group of very weak type of radiation its frequency EMF. Wi-Fi radio waves 100,000 times lower than the wave microwave.

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