7 Simple Things that Make Life Happier

As a human who continues to grow, the issue came and went. But do not let it make you so gloomy and sad. There are several things you can do to boost feelings of happiness within yourself.

To get our happiness is not difficult, at least seven of the following can help you accomplish these things as quoted by page Men's Health, on Thursday (03/12/2015).

1. Start the day with drinking water

The simple thing is to give a tremendous impact on the body. During sleep the body does not get fluid intake so it is necessary to drink immediately after waking. Research in the Journal of Nutrition mentioned lack of fluid less than one percent of normal were able to create so negative mood, difficulty concentrating, and fatigue.

2. Have a pet

Various studies show the great benefits of having a pet, including preventing:

- Depression
Dog owners tend to be far from depression and other mental health as revealed in studies from George Washington University.

- Stress
Playing with pets is able to increase serotonin and dopamine which can make you more relaxed as a result of research the University of Missouri.

- Heart disease
The pet owners tend to have lower cholesterol tingak trilesrida and so the risk of heart disease is also low.

- High blood pressure
Glad to have dogs and cats can make you more calm so high blood pressure in stressful situations such as dtemukan in a study published in the British Journal of Health Psychology.

3. Appearance neat or interesting

If you look good, you feel better. Ever feel like it does not it?
A study in the journal Studia Psychologica find people who have plenty of time to get ready for the sake of the best performances will find live today with confidence and good.

4. Classical music
 If the day was annoying, listen to classical music. Senuah studies have found a relationship between classical music and increase dopamine that makes you so quieter.
5. Forced to smile
 "Try to pull your lips form a smile knot. Wait in one, two, three seconds ... and you will feel the benefits," explained psychologist Ros Taylor.A forced smile can make you become better, people you senyumi will leave behind a smile.
6. Diligent fish consumption
 Did you know that the countries that high fish consumption such as Japan and Taiwan, the rate of depression is 10 times lower than in the US or UK? Yes, it turns out fish such as sardines, mackerel, salmon are rich in Vitamin D is a natural antidepressant as revealed in the Journal of Internal Medicine.
7. Physical touch
 "The physical contact with loved ones, including pets trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone that creates a sense of calm," said psychologist relationship, Helen Fisher.One of them could hug loved ones.

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